I support Pussy Riot because.

So. I think it all started with Occupy….
This awareness that I’m really no good sitting in a space. Doing nothing. Occupying.
I’d much rather do art.

When Occupy Melbourne were evicted from City Square my blood boiled.
And when horses ushered me out of the street my world shifted.
What I thought was my street. Our street.

But protests weren’t going to be my thing.
Nor was a new career in advocacy.

But creative action. Engaging action. Interactive actions.

For me, this action is about many things.
It’s about pussy riot.
It’s about freedom of speech.
It’s about feminism. And what that means now.
It’s about freedom of artists.
It’s about artists in iran, china and all over the world that are  locked up too.
It’s about conversations I’ve had about Assange.
It’s about all the articles I read by men on rape. And only one by a woman.
It’s about the empathy fatigue I can see on people’s faces.
It’s about the 12 protests that took place in one week in Melbourne.
It’s about doing something that engages more than protestors. Something fun. Something simple.
Its about trying to share information. have a discussion. wave a flag. point a finger. jump up and down.
Be one cog in a movement.

Please email artsxactivism@gmail.com if you’d like to join in.


image design by Ben Landau who I really wish would move back to Melbourne so we could do artsxactivism things together.